Lead. Inspire. Achieve.
Mickey brings his 30 years executive leadership experience to teach you the keys to High Performance Leadership!

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Everyone can be a high performer: Let’s get to work
Three decades experience leading diverse teams proved to me that nearly everyone can reach high levels of performance if they’re inspired, given the tools, and well-led by caring leaders. In the military, we spend enormous energy developing leaders and an ethos of teamwork with a sense of mission. Military people would rather face bullets and bombs than let their comrades down or fail in the mission!
Now, it’s my mission to pass on those lessons of leadership to others so everyone can reach their full potential. The real difference between high performance and mediocrity is leadership.
In my books, talks, and here on the blog you’ll see how to lead authentically and accomplish your mission while building a team that works together. People need a purpose, not just a paycheck, and the Lead High Performance approach is the way to give your teams a purpose and cohesion to carry it out.

The Five Be’s,
Second Edition
Updated content, illustrations, and a new Forward–it’s a fabulous straightforward guide to life.
Get yours today by clicking the button below!

Leading Leaders: Inspiring, Empowering, & Motivating Teams
Get my flagship book on leadership and let me share 30+ years of leadership lessons with you.
Get your copy today by clicking below:

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Mickey’s pleased to have worked with these fine organizations!