What Is Courage? (Part II)

Mickey is moving his household from Hawaii to Texas. While he’s moving, please enjoy these posts from last year, and remember “The Five Be’s” Second Edition comes out in September!  Last week, I brought you Part I of a discussion of courage from my book, The Five Be’s.  This week I conclude with some stories about […]

What Is Courage? (Part II)

Last week, I brought you Part I of a discussion of courage from my book, The 5 Be’s for Starting Out.  This week I conclude with some stories about courage. __ Can you learn to be courageous? More to the point, can you learn to control fear? Yes, you can. Learning to be courageous has a […]

How Do You Handle Failure?

Lead people for any length of time and you’re bound to fail. I know there’s a lot of Type A’s out there who are convinced they never fail, but I assure you, if you’ve been leading for more than 5 minutes you have failed! So all you high achievers, you who’ve been number one at […]

Leaders Expect High Standards

Each organization in an institution or company has a job to do: Leaders exist to execute their jobs in support of their company’s objectives. That means, internal to an organization, leaders should support their bosses and their institutional goals. My experience is that people rise to the leaders’ expectations. Set high standards and hold people […]