Friday Link Around: Top Posts on Culture

This week, the Friday Link Around takes on a slightly different focus – we explore what “culture” means to leaders. Leading organizations both large and small demand the creation of a cohesive culture of shared ideas and values. For startups, the transformation from “five guys in a garage” to a staff of dozens of employees […]

Friday Link Around – Speed Mentoring Edition

Career development and mentoring are the themes for this week’s Friday Link Around. I was excited to once again facilitate the Society of American Military Engineers Young Member mentoring session at this year’s Joint Engineering Training Conference (JETC 2016). It was a fantastic session using live polling and hands-on activities with over 150 engineers, architects, […]

#TBT What’s My Purpose?

When reaching the end of their careers, military veterans are often faced with difficult questions.  There are, of course, the practical considerations of finances and family, but the biggest question for the vet is not where he’ll live or how he’ll make his living.  The biggest question for the retiring vet is what’s my purpose? […]

Friday Link Around – Graduation

It’s graduation time! Graduation pictures are appearing on my Facebook feed: smiling grads and proud parents. In honor graduation day for so many, this week’s Link Around is all about the grad. Top 10 Commencement Speeches Time Mag: Graduation gift ideas George Saunders has excellent advice: be kind Inspirational quotes for graduates Buzzfeed: 31 Grad Party […]

Good Friday Link Around [UPDATED]

It’s Holy Week in the Christian calendar, so this week’s links are all about Easter. As a trivia, history, and liturgy “geek,” I think this stuff is interesting so I’m bound in my geekness to share it with you! The days of Holy Week have their own names, beginning with Spy/Holy Wednesday, then Holy Thursday […]

From the Blogs: What the Team Needs

I spotted this great article from People Development Mag on leading teams and wanted to share!  I like their model:   and it closely resembles my own:     Says Ms Shafer: When initiative, productivity, creativity and execution are lacking, the costs to the team can be very real. The tangible results can be a lackluster […]

Being a Heart Guy

“There is a great cost when you neglect the human connection point in business.” –  Susan Steinbrecher, CEO, Steinbrecher And Associates, Inc. I’m a firm believer in the human element in business and in life. After all, the reason we build things, make products, and provide services is for other people. Without “heart”, then we don’t […]

Learning from Starbucks About Mission

One of my core tenets is leaders must give teams a sense of mission: In my book Leading Leaders, I recount the story of a friend of mine who took over leadership of a volunteer re-sale shop. “She and her leadership team began by listening to the volunteers and addressed their personal concerns about the […]

Fun Facts About American Thanksgiving

Via Stars And Stripes Thanksgiving is among America’s most popular holidays, a time for food, family and football in celebrations that date back to the earliest days of the nation. In fact, the history of Thanksgiving is more complicated than the national myths about “Turkey Day.” Here are some facts about the holiday that you […]

The Army Has Heart

Over at Small Wars Journal, there’s an article about the Head-Hands-Heart Leadership Model that fits hand-in-glove with my own “Leading Leaders” philosophy. It’s a thoughtful and well written article about the basics of leadership: know yourself, know your people, know where you’re going. Leading people is a “whole person” kind of endeavor: we have to […]