”But Young Men Think It Is… ”

There’s a famous poem by World War I poet-soldier A.E. Housman entitled Here Dead We Lie that speaks to me about the cost of war, and the courage of the men and women who fight them. When ever I’ve visited a military cemetery or seen a soldier’s grave at a civilian cemetery, I often think of Housman’s poem.

Here dead we lie
Because we did not choose
To live and shame the land
From which we sprung.

Life, to be sure,
Is nothing much to lose,
But young men think it is,
And we were young.


The words are melancholy, and remind us that although sometimes we have to fight there’s always a terrible cost. We do our best work as soldiers when we keep the peace.

This Memorial Day, my hope is that each of us will pause and reflect on the courage and sacrifice of the men and women who’ve laid their lives down to defend our country, to liberate the oppressed, and to confront aggressors. If you know a Gold Star Family, please seek them out and thank them for their loved ones’ service. Don’t forget to thank them for their continued service as they bear the burden of a family member absent from their lives. If you’re so inclined, I’d also ask you to consider donating to a local veteran’s memorial fund.

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