Secret Project Revealed!

Finally, my “secret project” can be revealed: my next book Patio Wisdom: Wise, Inspiring, and Humorous Quips From a Life Lived at Full Speed.


The book is a collaboration with my brother,  Tony aka “Patio King,” and is a collection of his philosophical quips about life, our photos, and a few of my stories about growing up together in the 1970s and on.

Take a look inside:


Here’s what the jacket says about the the book:

Welcome to the world of The Patio King! Inside are the musings of a life lived at full speed, where wisdom comes from the School of Hard Knocks. It’s wisdom borne of adventure and hardship, joy and pain, victory and defeat…and everything in between. Illustrated with the author’s own photos, and narrated with quips and memories, Patio Wisdom will leaving you in tears and stitches!

We’ve still got a way to go yet, release for the few photos that aren’t his and professional editing, but we’re very close to publishing. Patio Wisdom will be the first book I publish under my new publisher’s masthead!

We’ll certainly keep you posted as we near the final publication date!

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