An American Voice

I have taken somewhat of an unplanned hiatus from writing these past few weeks. Unplanned because it has been events that have taken my voice from me in a way they have only two times in my life before. Both times my voice fell silent before it was because the confluence of personal loss and […]

Everyone Can Be Proud of Something

The saddest people I’ve ever met were those who doubted their own self-worth. Sometimes, because of their own poor choices, but, more often, because another person had beaten them down, the person without self-esteem looks in the mirror and sees nothing of value.  Experts on human behavior write volumes on how to increase our self-esteem […]

Wet Dog

Have you ever seen a dog shaking the water out of their coat? Most dogs really love the water, and they often come out smiling and soaked. If you’re too near them when they decide to dry themselves, you’ll end up as wet as they were!  It’s an apt analogy to how we meet adversity […]

Why You Need a Coach

I’m taking the remainder of the summer off from blogging. In the mean time, please enjoy this “throwback” post from the archives. I need a coach. Anyone can trudge through a task or lesson on their own, but if I truly want to get better I’m in need of a coach. I’ve been an athlete […]

Who Do You Want to Be?

I make goals and resolutions, but for me the most important thing is knowing who I want to be. Defining – or redefining as the case may be – is even more vital than making goals and resolutions. If we do not know ourselves, and have in mind who we want to be, all the goals in the world don’t matter.

I Want to be Like Andy Taylor

The Andy Griffith Show has some of the most beloved characters in television, even to this day. Mayberry, the fictional town where Sheriff Andy Taylor (Andy Griffith) worked, is the synonymous with the America “back when” that probably never really ever existed anywhere but in our hearts. Reality television has replaced the idyllic version of […]

Resiliency is a Team Sport

This past week I’ve had the great privilege to be a volunteer at the Air Force Trials for the DoD Warrior Games. The Warrior Games are a paralympic-style competition for military athletes who were wounded in battle, seriously ill, or injured while on active duty. My firm is a sponsor of the Games, and so […]

Respect for Persons

The national conversation about how men and women should treat each other is a valuable conversation for leaders and high achievers to have. It’s everyone’s responsibility to create and sustain a culture of respect, and for leaders it’s particularly important. We have learned a great deal about ourselves and our culture of late. I’ve always […]