Tourist in My New Hometown

Leaving Hawaii for the second time to return to the Mainland was extremely difficult for my bride and I. Not because we don’t love our family or the land of our birth–we do–but because once you’ve tasted Paradise it’s awfully hard not to compare everything else to that. We lived in a little town on […]

Good Friday Link Around [UPDATED]

It’s Holy Week in the Christian calendar, so this week’s links are all about Easter. As a trivia, history, and liturgy “geek,” I think this stuff is interesting so I’m bound in my geekness to share it with you! The days of Holy Week have their own names, beginning with Spy/Holy Wednesday, then Holy Thursday […]

Fun Facts About American Thanksgiving

Via Stars And Stripes Thanksgiving is among America’s most popular holidays, a time for food, family and football in celebrations that date back to the earliest days of the nation. In fact, the history of Thanksgiving is more complicated than the national myths about “Turkey Day.” Here are some facts about the holiday that you […]