Leaders Have to Love

If we love our country, we should also love our countrymen. -Ronald Reagan “Love” may seem to be an odd topic for a post on a leadership blog, after all I write about leading people in a business or organizational setting. However, I think “love” is a particularly poignant topic for us to discuss this […]

Teamwork is the Purpose of Leadership

When discussing leadership we most often focus on the leader-follower dynamic. But there’s another relationship crucial to the success of any effort: the teams relationship with themselves and other teams. The leader who can lead teams to work effectively amongst themselves, and with others outside themselves, is a high performing leader. As a young officer […]

Keep The Troops In The Shade

I’ve written many times about how a leader’s most important responsibility is taking care of the people under his/her charge. A mission focus is important, but unless someone is leading robots, then leaders have to take care of their people. The phrase we often use in the military is “Keep The Troops In The Shade,” […]

Early to Rise…

I’ve been privileged to attend both Air Command & Staff College and the Eisenhower School where I heard dozens of very successful leaders from every walk of life speak to us: business executives, military leaders, politicians, and athletes. There were several common themes in all of their talks, and one of the most obvious to […]